Friday, October 11, 2013

Two weeks back. I will try and add a couple of his latest emails so others can read what a great missionary Elder Fenn has become.

Sent September 30, 2013
ah su. .
bueno. this week has been chill. a family invited somebody to church this week, and she was really really cool. she told me that she wants to hear more. she stayed for all the classes which usually doesn´t happen the first time, but when the members invite others, there is a different power. the only problem with here is that she leaves to work at 7:00 am and gets home at 10:00 :( but she is home on the weekends, so this weekend we will go and try to teach her whole family, and invite them (drag them by the ears) to general conference.
hopefully we can do quick work with them becuse if not i wont be able to see them get baptised.
this week we have taught another new family. they are way cool. we found them through a member. he always goes to there restaurant to eat. and i guess he talks to them about the gospel, and they accepted to talk with us, so he was supposed to give us lunch. we got to his house, and he didn´t know that he was supposed to, but said ``dont worry we will go to this little place, and the owner wants to listen to you.” ah sweet lunch and a reference. turns out that the place is really little. they just barely opened their restaurant, but it was way way way good food. she accepted to listen to us, and when we got there to teach her and her husband she called all the workers out to listen to us (2 other chicks) haha. but it was a very good lesson. they have a lot of faith, but they dont go to church. if they go this week i know that they will get baptised. they just have to shut down shop for a little
well thats a little on whats going down in peru.
love you all
Sent September 23 , 2013
latest on this week. . . . not really anything. hahahahaha. I got my package so thank you very much. it was a good one.
ya so this week we went with a sister so that she could present us to one of her friends. we got there and I asked her what his name is. the dude walked out and she said 创hola killer como esta创 wait his name is killer?? hahaha I asked them if they knew what that meant and he said (translated)创 yes it means assassin, but I wouldn’t kill a fly创 it was funny, and even better is that the dog that lives in front of my house is named killer. hahaha. but it’s all good. he really is not that cool as an investigator, but he has his reasons. his kid is sick, and when we went to talk to him he was thinking about his kid and how he is going to help pay for his surgery, and not thinking at all about the lesson. but whatever. we will talk with him and see if we can touch his heart.
another investigator that we visited is named C閟ar Gonzales. he is cool and gives all the right answers, but never does what we leave him to do. last Sunday he went to church. it was sweet. we went to visit him this week one day, and he came out all hurried and everything, but gave us time. we started the lesson, and he started talking about the UN, and how he had just filmed Javier Perez which was the president. he told us that they asked him if he could say something to the youth what would he say. Javier said that he would tell them not to lose hope. then they asked him if he believe in god, and President Javier Perez said no. Hno. C閟ar asked us “how did he get to be such a good person if he doesn’t believe in god? we said that you don’t have to believe in god to be a good person-- you just have to act like Christ. I asked him what were some of the things that Jesus did when he was in the earth. he said loved and served. then I asked if that is what Javier did, he said yes with a OH...YA look on his face. it was a cool lesson I also asked him 创 if you could tell me everything that Jesus taught in one word what would it be创 I was thinking in Spanish seguidme or follow me (2 nef. 31:10) but he said love. . . . when he said that I felt like hno. C閟ar had a better answer than I had.
this week I also read 1 cor 13 that talks all about caridad. and that nothing matters if we dont love. it was really cool to learn about. then I read chapter 12 that says that everything and everybody has their own function. I was looking and studying in the scriptures on how to be 创perfect创 and never found a good answer. In the dictionary it says that we can be perfect through Christ, and that job was perfect so I was like ya I wanna be perfect. then my comp gave a talk yesterday and shared a story that there was a reunion in a tool shop, and all the tools were talking bad about everybody else. the hammer was too noisy, the sand paper always made dust, the screw had to turn to many times to be useful and was just a pain, the tape measure always took exact measurements and said that he was perfect, and stuff like that. Each tool said that the other tools had to leave, but then the farmer walked in. The Farmer took every tool exactly how it was—defects and all--to make a beautiful chair. in the end every tool was perfect when it did its part. we too can be perfect when we do our part. we don’t have to do what everybody else is doing, we only have to do our part. it was a good story that I can’t share that well, but hope you got the idea.
we that’s all folks. got to go for today.
see you on the flip.
Sent Septeber 09, 2013
whats up y´all. well this week was normal. Erickson and Cristopher Adams received the priesthood this week. it was really fun to see that, and to see them progress is so cool.
i had a baptismal interview that was way way way cool. i asked him if he wanted to be baptised, and he started to say that his family was catholic, and leading me on to believe that he didnt want to be baptised, but everything he said didnt match the feeling i had. i looked at him in the eyes and asked him if he wanted to be baptised, and he said yes. that matched the feeling that i had. after that we talked a little about life, and how the best things never are the easiest, and that he can find comfort, strength, and courage in the Lord. it was cool. at the end of the interview he said that he wanted to get baptised this week, so sweet.
other than that not much.
right now im a little scared with whats going to happen this change. my comp got his change, and nobody knows where he is going, but i know who my comp is going to be, and it could work out alright, but at the same time it could be terrible. i hope it all goes good. there is a lot of work to do, and i just hope i can do it all.
love you all.

It has been forever but it is down to a few days till the 22nd and he comes home. Here is his last email and maybe his last the way he ended the post.

Well the low down on this week. A family brought a reference to church on sunday, 2 sundays ago. We went to visit her 1 time this week because she is a single mom, and works, and studies. She was cool and wanted to listen to everything. She had a lot of questions, but we didn’t have much time. We left her with the invitation to pray. This sunday she came to conference and loved it. I think that she can be baptized really quick, but if we don’t baptize her dad with her it won’t count for us. It will count for the sister’s that are in the zone. But no matter it will be a baptism in our area which is good. As for the General Conference it was great…but the Spanish…I love General Conference, but not in Spanish. I understand everything, but it’s not the voices of those who talk and it loses power. Right now I’m listening to it in English and it is so much better. The whole time I heard exactly what I have been studying for the past month. It was cool. Well sorry it’s so short, but hope you like it.
next week will be shorter probably.
love you all.

Monday, March 4, 2013

It has been awhile and that is partly Masen's fault and partly mine. This is such a great letter that I think you will be amazed as well of what an amazing person our missionary has become.

ha ha ha to read you mission experiences makes me want to be a better missionary. i would give almost anything to have you in my zone ha ha hah ah ah ah aha hahahahaha. that way you could cook for me and wash my clothes and not lose them. ha ha ha ha but for real i want is missionaries that want to be missionaries. there are many that just come here and go through the motions. they get to a certain point and that's it. they level off and do nothing. well now my job is to help them grow. but that's just the problem. i have to be the example, and then i have to show them what they can be, and get them excited to do it. thanks mom for all the talks and for all the advice you have given me. it actually helps a lot. i know what i have to do, the only problem is how to do it. what i learned from listening to that link is that the HOLY GHOST tells you everything you need to do. this is his work and his glory. we are just here to do his will and gozar (to joy) in his success. (i don't know if to joy works, but it works in Spanish.) i really am blessed to be where i am today, and wouldn't change it for the world. 


so a while back we were walking through a park, and some random dude stopped us and told us to go by his house. he looked old, and was with his wife that looked old too. we thought he was drunk. we took his address and asked him when we could come by. i looked for his house one day, but didn't find it. didn't give it much importance. then one day a member went with us to teach and just be a missionary. that day he told us that he had talked with somebody that lived close to where we were and asked if we wanted to visit him. we were like ya buddy. lets go. well he took us to the house of the dude and his wife. (what a small world) we started talking to him, and everything. he got mad at us for not coming by so we made another date to go by. the next day we go by and he wasn't there. days latter the same thing. then one day when we had nothing to do we went by, and he let us in. told us that he was having a bad day, and really didn't want to let us in, but when we walked in he felt more calm. that dad i invited him to a baptismal service that night. he didn't go. but the next Saturday we didn't have anything to do and stopped by his house again. they received us really well, and told us that we got there in just the right time again. we talked a little to them and invited them to church the next day. he committed to go. in church we were waiting and waiting, and nothing. toward the end of the sacrament meeting he showes up with his wife. (his wife is 8 1/2 months pregnant) YAAAAA BUDDY. then at the end of sacrament he finds a long lost friend. EVERYTHING WAS GOING GOOD. then we go to the class and talk about prayer. he helped out and gave his opinion. then we get to priesthood. the class was on religion. the teacher is a returned missionary and is a way cool guy. i call him PO from kung fu panda because it looks exactly like him, and they are just the same. so PO is giving the class (real name is Aldo) and starts talking about what is religion. well we get to a point where we are talking about baptism and how we need one to enter into the kingdom of god. everything was way sick. it was a way sick lesson, then he came to a pause. nobody talked. . . . . . . then he, the teacher, kung fu panda, popped the question. he asked the investigator ``WILL YOU FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST AND BE BAPTIED BY SOMEONE THAT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO?´´ i went a little nuts in that moment cause it was so cool. the dude stands up and is like. i will tell you one thing I'M CATHOLIC. i was like noooooooooooooooo, but then he went on. ``but i don't even go to my church, and look at me now I'm here, and i love it. and if you love something you have to be a part of it right?´´ everybody said yes of course then he said ya ill get baptised. in the middle of the class the elders quorum pres. set a baptismal date for Hermano Jorge Peralta. 
one of the coolest experiences that has happened in my mission. now we the missionaries have to work hard with him and get him in the watter.

love you all

have a good week.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Masen had problems last week so he had two for us this week.

From: Masen Fenn 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 9:32 AM
To: Wendy Fenn
Subject: Re: Vaporized??

found my package and all the candy is gone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to my stomach. and freak. I need a new debit card. Don’t know where it went.
I’m in the same zone. Zona Tahuantinsuyo, but I’m in another area. where I was at before was called Antisuyo (the area) where I’m at now is called Tahuantinsuyo. ja ja I’m in area tahuantinsuyo in the zone called tahuantinsuyo. and my ward is called Tahuantinsuyo. ha ha ha ha ha. so I’m not working directly with anybody from antisuyo, but I have to find the papers and everything for them that are going to get married, and I get to see them when we have interviews. 

So this week in the life of a zone leader. 

ah freak. we had a baptisim this week with a hombre mayor. his name is LEO. everybody calls him loco leo. ha ha but he is pretty cool. for a peruvian he is really tall. he is taller than me, which isnt hard to beat, but i havent seen very many people down here that are taller than me unless they are white. usually they are about my size. but the baptism was really really sweet. Elder Crump baptised him. ha ha ya remember elder crump from the mtc. turns out that im working where he worked. he was d/l and had two wards, contisuyo and tahuantinsuyo. we are only working in tahuantinsuyo right now. there are two other missionarys in contisuyo, but long story short i had a baptism with crump. it was pretty sweet. now we are going to send the pictures to his cousin collins that is in iquitos. ah ha ha. but it was pretty cool. i guess that leo has been listing to misionarys for a while, but his time finaly came, and i got to see it. 

what else happened this week. . . . . not really anything. it kinda was a crappy week. if we didint have the baptism it would have been crappy, but cant cry about a baptism. we knocked doors all week and everyone said that they were busy, but we could come back. when we went back they werent there, but we found 1 family that seems like they are pretty cool. the mom is 18 has a 2 year old daughter and is a member. went inactive for reasons prety hard to find, not, but she was pretty cool she said that she wants to come back to the church, and that she wants her baby to be raised in the church. her husband has never had anything to do with any religion, and is going to be a tough egg to crack, but when he feels the spirit it will be easy. he said that we could visit whenever wich doesnt happen much, so i think that that will be a good baptism. 

oh ya in the package you sent the fettuccini mixes!! they were delicioso. it was funny because we have a member that always helps us (harold) and we didnt have lunch one day so we told him to let us cook the fettuccine. he said ya, so we went to his house (first time i´ve been there) and i started to cook. i knew that it wouldnt make that much, but for the 3 of us i thought it would be enough, but in the middle of cooking it his aunt showed up and he told us that it was her house. so  i was like crap we have to give her some because its her house and her kids were there and i was using the kitchen, but we didnt have enough, so i was like crap. . . . well lets just make some more. i got on his computer and looked up the recipies. i didnt find anything that work, but harold had already started to cook more noodles so i was like well lets go experiement. hahahahah took what we had from the recipies and i started to cook. all the recipies called for heavy cream. didnt have that, but i remembered that you use milk and flower. so i used that instead. at first it wasnt working, but little by little adding other stuff that i thought would be good i turned out to tast pretty good. everybody liked it so i was kinda happy that that turned out good, but i still want the recipie exactly how i should do it. 

well that all that happened this week. 
hope all is good back home.
love you all very very much.
got to go.

Elder Fenn

Elder Fenn has had some big changes over the last couple months.

Ya so you will not believe what happened to me this week. so you know how good my area WAS. the ward WAS the best ward that i have ever seen. the members helped us out so much. they gave us refrences, they helped us teach, and made me feel at home. i WAS having so much sucess there and just loving life. we had like 4 familias that were progressing which is unheard of. and all 4 should be baptized this month or next. Adriana’s dad said that he will get married next month and baptised. that one family and a priesthood holder. ah i was so happy with my area. BUT GUESS WHAT HAPPENED. everybody was saying bye to my comp, becuase he had 3 changes there, and I GOT THE CHANGE. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? haha when i got to that area my comp told me that they didnt have investigators, and we only visited the recent converts the first day. we did work and were setting it up big for the next months, then they chang me. ah man what a mood killer for real. so the whole day i knew i had a change, but they dont tell us where we are going. after they tell us that we have changes we all go to a place to say bye to the missionaries that are leaving the zone, and hear their testimonies. well we had a lot of changes, but only two left the zone. Elder Vande (ZL), and supposedly elder montoya. I didnt have the chance to give my testimony. so that was a red flag, either Elder Castro (ZL) forgot about me, or i was staying in the zone. ya then i got to talk to crump (personal secretary to pres.) and asked him. he told me that i was staying in the zone and taking Elder Vandes´ spot. WHAT???????????? ya so now my comp is Elder Castro. he is from lima and has 2 months left in his mission. when he finishes he will be able to travel 2 hours to his house in bus. jajajajajajajajajajajajajjaja. but the worst part is that im ZONE LEADER. i didnt even have the chance to figure out all of district leader and now this. well caballero nada mas. ya that means like cowboy up ha haha.
ha ha the funny part is that now i get to go interview everyone that i taught. well not really cause castro has to do that, but i get to see them when they get interviewed. ha ha.
ya so about the sealing. WOW. that was actually really really cool. we went through the session with them, and that was pretty funny. ronald had the funniest look. he had no idea what was going down, but liz looked calmer, and more ready. then the sealling! that was nuts to see. i went with 3 other elders that served in nueva cajamacar before i did, and all of them helped someone through the temple. i forgot how its called, but acompanied them through. i didnt, but one was with ronald, one was with a future misionary, and one was with someone else that got sealed. so that was cool for them, but the best part is that i was a witness for Ronald and Liz. YA BUDDY. i felt powerful. after they got sealed the other family was sealed and the elder that helped him through the temple to take his endowments out was his witness. ah man the blessing that you get when you are sealed are crazy. i want those blessings, but to think that bree has already done that and that sarah is going to do it, and more of my friends is just way too too weird. but i hope i get to see at least one more family get sealed. that would be the best of the best.
hear are some pics. hope you like them.
love you all so so much.
Elder Fenn